At this pilot stage, we are looking to discover what would best serve the needs of the organisations working in this area, particularly in terms of information sharing and access preferences. We are therefore very grateful for you taking the time to submit your information, and would welcome any feedback.
We hope to develop SupportShare further after this pilot phase to provide a map of services that exist for children, families and frontline staff.
By sharing evidence on what works, we also hope that organisations throughout the UK can improve their services, learn from each other, and build a community.
We also hope to develop SupportShare to give a collective voice to organisations working in this area, so that together they have the potential to influence policy in the future.
SupportShare is a partnership between NPC, a thinktank and consultancy for the third sector, NSPCC, a leading children's charity, and Hactar, a product and service design agency that works with organisations who make the world a better place. For more information on the partners or the site, please contact George Hoare at NPC.